While we do not handle fence construction and repair at this time, our friends at Red Rock Fence Company can help...
We get asked all the time about our capabilities as a home improvement contractor. While we are experts at wallpaper selection, we do not work on fences, roofs, etc. However, we have a great team of contractors that are happy to help.
If a full installation is a little above what you had in mind, don't worry! Red Rock Fence Repair was launched due to overwhelming demand from Dallas area residents in need of quality work at an affordable price. Keeping it in the family, Larry @ Texas Fence Staining was a former employee of Red Rock's who got the company's blessing to go out on his own and start a staining company to keep up with inquiries from past clients needing a minor touch up to their fences.
We've been affiliated with Red Rock for years and they always do quality work. If you are in the need for residential home improvement, look no further. We give them a big thumbs up and they have been our "go-to" fence company for years now.